Updated (09/19/2014): You can also add -XX:+UnlockInternalVMOptions to the command line to access JVM internal flags. |
To find out what the JRockit's default VM options are, you type:
- jdk-jr/bin/java -XX >JR_defaults.txt
Default Values
Here are the output from this JRockit version:
java version "1.6.0_37"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_37-b06)
Oracle JRockit(R) (build R28.2.5-20-152429-1.6.0_37-20120927-1915-linux-x86_64, compiled mode)
Global: UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions = false (default, writeable) - Enable processing of flags relating to field diagnostics UnlockInternalVMOptions = false (default) - Enable processing of internal, unsupported flags Class: FailOverToOldVerifier = true (default, writeable) - Fail over to old verifier when split verifier fails UseVerifierClassCache = true (default) - Try to cache java.lang.Class lookups for old verifier. UseClassGC = true (default) (Alias: -Xnoclassgc) - Allow GC of Java classes Threads: UseThreadPriorities = false (default) - Use native thread priorities DeferThrSuspendLoopCount = 4000 (default, writeable) - Number of iterations in safepoint loop until we try blocking SafepointSpinBeforeYield = 2000 (default, writeable) - Number of iterations in safepoint loop until we yield instead of pause (MP only) UseCompilerSafepoints = true (default) - Insert safepoint polls in compiled code DeferPollingPageLoopCount = -1 (default) - Number of iterations in safepoint loop before arming safepoint poll page UseMembarForTransitions = false (default) - Use membar to serialize thread states. UseNativeLockProfiling = false (default) - Profile use of internal JVM monitors TrustPThreadStackInfo = false (default) - Trust information from pthreads about stack start and size JNI: CheckJNICalls = false (default) - Verify all arguments to JNI calls AbortOnFailedJNICheck = true (default) - Used with CheckJNICalls. If true, abort the JVM upon first JNI parameter error. ErrorOnFailedJNICheck = false (default) - Used with CheckJNICalls. If true, any errors will be signalled through a java.lang.Error. JDK: UseNewHashFunction = false (default) - Use HashMaps new hash function on jdks that does not do so by default TreeMapNodeSize = 64 (default) - Size of entry array in each java.util.TreeMap node MaxDirectMemorySize = 0 (default) - Maximum total size of NIO direct-buffer allocations UseLazyStackTraces = true (default) - Generate stacktraces lazily for thrown Exceptions ShowInternalMethodsInStackTrace = false (default, writeable) - Show JVM internal code in java stacktraces. ExceptionTraceFilter = (null) (default) - Pattern that limits what exceptions are logged. OS: ReduceSignalUsage = false (default) (Alias: -Xrs) - Reduce the use of OS signals in Java and/or the VM MaxFDLimit = true (default) - Maximize the available number of filedescriptors. MaxLargePageSize = 256M (default) - Use value as maximum size for large pages (if possible). GC: UseLowAddressForHeap = true (default) - Use low 4Gb address space for Java heap if possible. UseLargePagesForHeap = false (default) - Attempt to use large page translation for the Java heap. ForceLargePagesForHeap = false (default) - Force the use of large page translation for the Java heap. CompressedRefs = false (default) (Alias: -XXcompressedRefs) - Use 32-bit java references on 64-bit OS - implies a heap maximum of 4Gb (probably less) InitialHeapSize = 0 (default) (Alias: -Xms) - Initial size of Java Object heap MaxHeapSize = 0 (default) (Alias: -Xmx) - Maximum size of Java Object heap GCTimeRatio = 19 (default) - The ratio of time spent in garbage collection compared to outside of garbage collection. GCTimePercentage = 0.000000 (default) - The percentage of time spent in garbage collection of total run time. GCTrigger = 0 (default) (Alias: -XXgcTrigger) - The threshold of free heap before a concurrent GC is started ForceEarlyOC = true (default) - Force an early OC before old space is empty to avoid promotion failed. ForceEarlyOCMaxPercentage = 5.000000 (default) - Maximum percentage of heap that is allowed to have left before doing an early OC. ForceYCOnLargeAllocationFailed = false (default) - Force YC on a large allocation failure. UseNurseryEvacuation = false (default) - Try to evacuate the nursery when a promotion failed has occured. DisableEvacuationToNursery = false (default) - Disallows evacuation to move objects to where the nursery is. NurseryPartsLimit = 10000 (default) - The maximum number of nursery parts we will allow before forcing an early OC to fight fragmentation, or 0 for no limit. SemiRefPostponedPacketSize = 492 (default) - The number of references in a postponed semiref packet. SemiRefPrefetchDistance = 0 (default) - The number of reference packet indexes to prefetch, or 0 for no prefetch. FinalHandleParallelThreshold = -1 (default) - The minimum number of final handles needed to process them in parallel. FinalHandlePacketSize = 200 (default) - The number of handles in a final handle packet. MaximumNurseryPercentage = 95 (default) - Sets the maximum size of the nursery relative to the amount of free heap after the last old collection. AllowYCDuringOC = true (default) - Allow young collections during old collections. YcAlignAll = false (default) - Align all objects (with regards to YcAlignMaxSpill) during YC YcAlignMaxSpill = 40 (default) - Max spill allowed when aligning objects during YC. FullSystemGC = false (default) (Alias: -XXfullSystemGC) - Always run full GC (with full compaction) when System.gc() is called AllowSystemGC = true (default) (Alias: -XXnoSystemGC) - Run a GC when System.gc() is called GcCardTableParts = 1024 (default) - Initial number of parts of the card table array GcBalancePrefetchDistance = 4 (default) - Prefetch distance in a GC balance system workpacket GcBalancePacketSize = 493 (default) - Packet size of GC balance system workpackets NumGenConPrecleaningIterations = 3 (default) - Number of precleaning iterations for gencon. AllowEmergencyParSweep = true (default) - Allow the OC to temporarily change concurrent sweep to parallel if needed. UseCfsAdaptedYield = false (default) - Use a version of yield adapted for the CFS scheduler. Only for use on CFS. TlaWasteLimit = 0 (default) (Alias: -XXlargeObjectLimit) - Internal. Use -XXtlaSize:wasteLimit instead. TlaMinSize = 0 (default) (Alias: -XXminBlockSize) - Internal. Use -XXtlaSize:min instead. TlaPreferredSize = 0 (default) - Internal. Use -XXtlaSize:preferred instead. GC::Compaction: UseFullCompaction = false (default) - All compactions will be full compactions. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:full instead. InternalCompactionPercentage = -1.000000 (default) - The percentage of the heap to compact for internal compaction. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:internalPercentage instead. ExternalCompactionPercentage = -1.000000 (default) - The percentage of the heap to compact for external compaction. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:externalPercentage instead. InitialCompactionPercentage = -1.000000 (default) - The initial percentage of the heap to compact, for both internal and external compaction. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:initialPercentage instead. UseCompaction = true (default) - Use compaction to reduce fragmentation. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:enable instead. UseAbortableCompaction = false (default) - The compactions should be possible to abort. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:abortable instead. NumCompactionHeapParts = 4096 (default) (Alias: -XXheapParts) - The number of heap parts in compaction heuristics. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:heapParts instead. InitialExternalReservedHeap = 4M (default) - The initial size of the memory reserved by external compaction. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:initialExternalReservedHeap instead. UseFixedExternalReservedHeap = false (default) - The size of the memory reserved by external compaction is fixed. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:externalReservedHeapIsFixed instead. MaxCompactionReferences = 0 (default) (Alias: -XXcompactSetLimit) - The maximum number of references to store in compaction before skipping. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:maxReferences instead. MaxCompactionReferencesPerObject = 0 (default) (Alias: -XXcompactSetLimitPerObject) - The maximum number of references to store per object in compaction. Internal. Use -XXcompaction:maxReferencesPerObject instead. InternalCompactionParts = -1 (default) (Alias: -XXinternalCompactRatio) - Deprecated. Use -XXcompaction:internalPercentage instead. ExternalCompactionParts = -1 (default) (Alias: -XXexternalCompactRatio) - Deprecated. Use -XXcompaction:externalPercentage instead. Object allocation: UseAllocPrefetch = true (default) - Use prefetch on object allocation RedoAllocPrefetch = true (default) - Do prefetch on object allocation from start of the allocated object AllocPrefetchLineLength = -1 (default) - Line length for allocation prefetch AllocPrefetchDistance = -1 (default) - Distance for allocation prefetch AllocChunkSize = -1 (default) - Size of chunks to clear/prefetch Javalock: UseLockProfiling = false (default) - Enable Java lock profiling. ThinLockContendedSpinCount = -1 (default) - Number of spins between each poll when acquiring a thin lock ThinLockContendedPollCount = -1 (default) - Number of polls between each short nap when acquiring a thin lock ThinLockConvertToFatThreshold = -1 (default) - Number of of short naps before converting thin lock to fat FatLockContendedSpinCount = -1 (default) - Number of spins between each poll when acquiring a fat lock FatLockContendedPollCount = -1 (default) - Number of polls between each short nap when acquiring a fat lock MonitorContendedSpinCount = -1 (default) - Number of spins between each poll when acquiring a monitor lock MonitorContendedPollCount = -1 (default) - Number of polls between each short nap when acquiring a monitor lock UseFatLockDeflation = true (default) - Try to deflate fat locks to thin FatLockDeflationThreshold = 50 (default) - Number of uncontended entries on lock before deflation occurs UseLockQueueLength = true (default) - Make threads go to sleep if contention exceeds # cpus UseFatSpin = true (default) (Alias: -XXdisableFatSpin) - Should we spin-try then acquiring a fat lock UseAdaptiveFatSpin = false (default) - Should we use adaptive spinning acquiring a fat lock UseThreadContentionMonitoring = true (default) - Allow thread contention monitoring JavaLock::LazyUnlocking: UseLazyUnlocking = true (default) (Alias: -XXlazyUnlocking) - Enable lazy unlocking UseLazyUnlockingInJIT = true (default) - Use lazy locks in JIT code UseLazyUnlockingClassBan = true (default) - Use class banning UseLazyUnlockingTransferClassBan = true (default) - Use transfer class banning JFR: FlightRecorder = true (default) - Enable flightrecorder FlightRecorderOptions = (null) (default) - Flight recorder arguments StartFlightRecording = (null) (default) - Start a Flight recording with args. Equivalent to using "start_flightrecording". Code memory: CodeBlockAbsorbtionSize = 32 (default) - Maximum extra size allowed for fitting code memory chunks FreeEmptyCodeBlocks = true (default) - Free unused code memory UseLargePagesForCode = false (default) - Attempt to use large page translation compiled code. MaxCodeMemory = 0 (default) - Maximum amount of memory used for generated code ReserveCodeMemory = true (default) - Reserve all memory for code at startup UseCodeGC = true (default) - Allow GC of discarded compiled code CodeGCThreshold = 0 (default) - Released byte threshold for initiating a code GC CodeGCReclaimThreshold = 0 (default) - Released byte threshold before compiler attempts to reclaim unused code space CodeGCUseReclaim = true (default) - Should Code GC attempt reclamation of unused code memory CodeGCTaskInterval = 5 (default) - Interval in secs between background scans for unused code blocks Compiler broker: MaxOptQueueLength = 0 (default) - Maximum allowed optimization queue length before JIT thread helps generate code OptThreads = 1 (default) - Number of background optimization threads JITThreads = 1 (default) - Number of background JIT threads JITThreadPrio = 5 (default) - Priority of background JIT threads OptThreadPrio = 5 (default) - Priority of background optimization threads DisableOptsAfter = -1 (default) (Alias: -Xnoopt) - Disable optimizations after n seconds Compiler: PreOpt = false (default) - Optimize all code on jit (first generation) UseCallProfiling = false (default) - Use call profiling on unoptimized code StrictFP = false (default) (Alias: -Xstrictfp) - Force strict FP for all methods CheckStacks = false (default) (Alias: -Xcheckedstacks) - Do explicit checks for stack overflow DevirtualizeAlways = false (default) - Forces devirtualization in jitted code UseStringCache = false (default) - Cache common arrays used in String constructor MethodCodeAlignment = 32 (default) - Byte alignment for start of method code UseInlineObjectAlloc = true (default) - Generate inlined object allocation code. UseSafeTimer = false (default) - Use fast, signal based timer for System.currentTimeMillis. UseOldLockMatching = false (default) - Compatibility mode lock matching JVMTI: JavaDebug = false (default) (Alias: -Xdebug) - Enable java debugging Management: DisableAttachMechanism = false (default) - Disable mechanism that allows tools to attach to this VM CrashOnOutOfMemoryError = false (default, writeable) - Crash JVM process on OutOfMemory ExitOnOutOfMemoryError = false (default, writeable) - Terminate JVM process on OutOfMemory ExitOnOutOfMemoryErrorExitCode = 51 (default, writeable) - Exit code for termination of JVM process on OutOfMemory HeapDiagnosticsOnOutOfMemoryError = false (default, writeable) - Print Java heap diagnostics on OutOfMemory HeapDiagnosticsPath = (null) (default, writeable) - When HeapDiagnosticsOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the path (filename or directory) of the dump file (defaults to jrockit_.oomdiag in the working directory) HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError = false (default, writeable) - Dump Java heap to a hprof binary format file on OutOfMemory HeapDumpOnCtrlBreak = false (default) - Dump heap to file in Ctrl-Break handler HeapDumpPath = (null) (default, writeable) - When HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError is on, the path (filename or directory) of the dump file (defaults to jrockit_ .hprof in the working directory) SegmentedHeapDumpThreshold = 2G (default, writeable) - Generate a segmented heap dump (JAVA PROFILE 1.0.2 format) when the heap usage is larger than this HeapDumpSegmentSize = 1G (default) - Approximate segment size when generating a segmented heap dump StartMemleakOnPort = 0 (default, writeable) (Alias: -XXmemleak) - Listen for memleak connections on this port (0 for default) FlightRecordingDumpOnUnhandledException = false (default, writeable) - Generate a Flight Recording dump when a thread is terminated due to an unhandled exception FlightRecordingDumpPath = (null) (default, writeable) - When FlightRecordingDumpOnUnhandledException is on, the path (filename or directory) of the dump file (defaults to jrockit_ _ .jfr in the working directory) Runtime: AbortOnCrash = false (default, writeable) - Abort the JVM in case of an crash. DumpOnCrash = true (default, writeable) - Generate a dump of the JVM state in case of a crash. CoreOnCrash = true (default, writeable) - Generate a core dump file of the JVM state in case of a crash. WaitOnCrash = false (default, writeable) - Wait for user debugger attach in case of a crash. AbortOnAssert = true (default, writeable) - Abort JVM on assertion CrashOnAssert = false (default, writeable) - Crash dump the JVM on assertion WaitOnAssert = false (default, writeable) - Spin and wait JVM on assertion NumaMemoryPolicy = (null) (default) - Numa memory policy (interleave, preferredlocal, strictlocal) BindToNumaNodes = (null) (default) - Bind process to Numa nodes BindToCPUs = (null) (default) - Bind process to CPUs UseFastTime = true (default) - Force/disable usage of hardware platform support for fast time UseJNIPinning = true (default) - Use pinning for Objects in call to GetPrimitiveArrayCritical etc
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