Wednesday, February 29, 2012

GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2 Released

GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2 has been released today!

    Release Themes
    • Quality: Improves quality by fixing over 500 bugs, improved security
    • Ease-of-Use: GlassFish is known for it's ease of use, and this focus continues by adding numerous features that improve ease-of-use.
    • Community and Customer Satisfaction: Addressed features and bug fixes that have been requested by both the GlassFish community and commercial customers.
    Main Features
    • Improved Administration Console with better startup time and option to load in background after server startup. [blog]
    • Improved clustering with new DCOM Support for Windows (as an alternative to SSH for remote management of GlassFish instances) and Non-Multicast clustering.
    • Improved EclipseLink integration with EclipseLink MOXy support and TopLink Grid support (Coherence as 2nd level data cache)
    • WebSocket (RFC 6455) Support
    • Transaction recovery using database (in addition to the existing file system support)
    • Improved Security (secure admin requires password, Oracle GlassFish Server secure by default with new password required be set during installation or on first use), and SSL Encrypted traffic between the Domain Administration Server and remote instances
    • NetBeans 7.1.1 ships with GlassFish Server 3.1.2
    Updated Platforms & Components
    • Updated platform support for OS's and JVM's, matrix available by launch
    • Updated component Bundles: JSF/Mojarra, Grizzly, Metro 2.2, Jersey, Shoal, EclipseLink, Message Queue, OSGi Core, Update Center, Hibernate Validator, JavaDB, and Weld.

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